SIUE Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville


Submissions from 2024


Ca2+ binding shifts dimeric dual oxidase's truncated EF-hand domain to monomer, Chin-Chuan Wei, Amena Razzak, and Hadis Ghasmi


Drag Artist Interviews, 2021, Ezra Temko, Heidi Masching, and Bette Hammann


Evaporating Metacognitive Talk: School Inclusion, Power, and the Interplay of Structure and Agency, Ezra Temko


External Direct Sum Invariant Subspace and Decomposition of Coupled Differential-Difference Equations, Keqin Gu and Huan Phan-Van


How Poor Leadership and Favoritism Intersect to Create Toxic Work Environments, Simone Williams and Lora Del Rio


p450 APO in Membrane Trajectory 1, Edward Ackad Ph.D and Maria Kontoyianni


Structural Effects on the Temperature Dependence of Hydride Kinetic Isotope Effects of the NADH/NAD+ Model Reactions in Acetonitrile: Charge-Transfer Complex Tightness Is a Key, Amanda Beach, Pratichhya Adhikari, Grishma Singh, Meimei Song, Nicholas DeGroot, and Yun Lu


Structured invariant subspace and decomposition of systems with time delays and uncertainties, Huan Phan-Van and Keqin Gu


The Department Chair’s Role in Fostering Equity: Faculty Evaluation, Susan Morgan and Lynn Bartels


The Department Chair’s Role in Fostering Equity: Family-Friendly Policies, Susan Morgan, Lynn Bartels, and Leah O'Brien


The Department Chair’s Role in Fostering Equity: Recruitment and Hiring, Susan Morgan and Lynn Bartels

Submissions from 2023


First Review of Equilibrium Landscape of Ingress/Egress Channels and Gating Residues of the Cytochrome P450 3A4, Edward Ackad Ph.D and Maria Kontoyianni


Infinite-dimensional stochastic transforms and reproducing kernel Hilbert space, Myung-Sin Song, Palle Jorgensen, and James Feng Tian


Liaising the Catalog: Collaborating Across Library Departments to Promote Successful Discoverability through Enhanced Cataloging, Tammie Busch, Debbie Campbell, Susan Howell, Mary Konkel, Dennis Krieb, Mingyan Li, Cathy Mayer, and Ross Taft


Resisting Readability: Dyslexia and Sexuality in Alan Hollinghurst’s The Sparsholt Affair, Helena Gurfinkel Dr.


TikTok and Civic Activity among Young Adults, Kenneth W. Moffett and Laurie Rice


Translating the Untranslatable: Cosmopolitan Oscar Wilde on Soviet Television, Helena Gurfinkel Dr.

Submissions from 2022


A Micro-Typology of Contact Effects in Four Tibeto-Burman Languages, Kristine Hildebrandt, Oliver Bond, and Dubi Nanda Dhakal


A Nazi War Criminal Reflects On The War In Russia, James J. Weingartner


Calmodulin binding to the dehydrogenase domain of NADPH oxidase 5 alters its oligomeric state, Dustin Smith, Laura Lloyd, Elaine Wei, Paria Radmanesh, and Chin-Chuan Wei


Communities Moving Past the Daddy Daughter Dance: Adapting Gender-Exclusive Events for the 21st Century, Ezra Temko, Emily Love, Destiny Baxter, Heidi Masching, and Adam Loesch


Creditable Civic Engagement? Aligning Work on Civic Activity with Faculty Incentives, Kenneth W. Moffett and Laurie L. Rice


Lessons from a Forgotten Fuel: Assessing the Long History of Alcohol Fuel Advocacy and Use in the United States, Jeffrey T. Manuel


“Piecemeal” Advocacy, Radical Accomplishments: Adding Normatizing to the Advocacy Toolbox, Ezra Temko


Strange Alliance: An American, a Nazi, and the Battle of the Bulge, James J. Weingartner


The Effect of Dysfunctional Organizational Culture on Burnout in Academic Libraries, Lora Del Rio, Juliet Kerico Gray, and Lis Pankl

Submissions from 2021

Advanced Micro-/Nanostructured Wicks for Passive Phase-Change Cooling Systems, Shirin Movaghgharnezhad and Jeff Darabi


A geometric description of the set of stabilizing PID controllers, Keqin Gu, Qian Ma, Huiqing Zhou, Mahzoon Salma, and Xingzi Yang


Dataset for Characterization of ‘Cool’ and ‘Warm’ White LEDs, Edward Navarre


Direction and Associated Motion in Tibeto-Burman, Carol Genetti, Kristine Hildebrandt, Alexia Fawcett, and Nathaniel Sims


Drag Artist Interviews, 2020, Destiny Baxter, Ezra Temko, and Adam Loesch


Examining Faculty Attitudes and Strategies that Support Successful Flipped Teaching, Chaya Gopalan, Sharon Locke, Georgia Bracey, Julie Fickas, Lynn Bartels, and Paige Dickey


From Stress to Success: Leveraging the Online Experience for Information Systems Students, Connie Barber


Guest Editors' Introduction: Toward Decolonized and Student-Centered Teaching of Critical Theory, Helena Gurfinkel Dr. and Gautam Basu Thakur


Insulated Blackness: The Cause for Fracture in Black Political Identity, Timothy E. Lewis and Sherice J. Nelson


Survival of Fishes in a Stormwater Retention Pond at the Watershed Nature Center, Edwardsville, Illinois, Manuel Gomez, Richard B. Brugam Ph.D., and Sharon Locke


The prevalence of psychiatric and chronic pain comorbidities in fibromyalgia: An acttion systematic review, Bethea A. Kleykamp, McKenzie C. Ferguson, Ewan McNicol, Ida Bixho, Lesley M. Arnold, Robert R. Edwards, Roger Fillingim, Hanna Grol-Prokopczyk, Dennis C. Turk, and Robert H. Dworkin

Submissions from 2020


A Kaczmarz algorithm for sequences of projections, infinite products, and applications to frames in IFS 𝐿2 spaces, Myung-Sin Song, Palle Jorgensen, and James Tian


Communication Apprehension about Death, Religious Group Affiliation, and Religiosity: Predictors of Organ and Body Donation Decisions, Heather J. Carmack and Jocelyn M. DeGroot


Drag Artist Interviews, 2019, Ezra Temko and Adam Loesch


Extensible Interface for a Compact Spectrophotometer for Teaching Molecular Absorption in the Undergraduate Laboratory, Edward Navarre


Lexical complexities in the St. Louis dialect island, Larry LaFond and Kenneth Moffett

Submissions from 2019


Black Curativeness: Understanding Black Voter Selection through an Assessment of Racially-charged Districts, Timothy E. Lewis


Building a Diverse Curriculum: The Role of Diversity Across Communication Coursework, Martin Jason, Deborah Sellnow-Richmond, and Michael Strawser


Fabrication and Thermal Characterization of Composite Cu-CNT Micropillars for Capillary-driven Phase-Change Cooling Devices, Gerardo Rojo, Siavash Ghanbari, and Jeff Darabi


Language documentation in the aftermath of the 2015 Nepal earthquakes: A guide to two archives and a web exhibit, KRISTINE A. HILDEBRANDT, Tanner Burge-Beckley, and Jacob Sebok


Navigating the Path to Presence: Ideology, Politics, and the Campaign for Gender Balanced Boards and Commissions in Iowa, Ezra Temko

Patient Experiences with Compounded Medications, Timothy McPherson


Presidents’ Vetoes and Audience Costs, Laurie L. Rice and Samuel Kernell


Snapchat and Civic Engagement among College Students, Laurie Rice and Kenneth Moffett


Stability Analysis of a More General Class of Systems with Delay-Dependent Coefficients, Chi Jin, Keqin Gu, Islam Boussaada, and Silviu-Iulian Niculescu


Student Perceptions of Teaching Effectiveness and Learning Achievement: A Comparative Examination of Online and Hybrid Course Delivery Format, Deborah Sellnow-Richmond, Michael Strawser, and Deanna Sellnow


"This Place is a Hellhole:" Popular Culture and the Racial Othering of East St. Louis, Illinois, Bryan Jack and Jennifer Sumida


"To Preserve the Historic Lore for Which St. Louis is Famous": The St. Louis Historic Markers Program and the Construction of Community Historical Memory, Bryan Jack

Submissions from 2018


A 1600-year record of human impacts on a floodplain lake in the Mississippi River Valley, Richard B. Brugam Ph.D. and Samuel Munoz


A Case Study Approach, Combined with Modified Team-Based Learning, to Teach the Progression of Metabolic Syndrome to Type 2 Diabetes, Chaya Gopalan and William Kist


A Model of Transcorporeal Communication: Communication toward/with/to the Deceased, Jocelyn M. DeGroot


An IDEA model analysis of instructional risk communication messages in the time of Ebola, Deborah Sellnow-Richmond, Amiso George, and Deanna Sellnow


Applying Spatial Literacy to Transform Library Space: A Selected Literature Review, Juliet M. Gray, Melissa Burel, Marlee Graser, and Karen Gallacci


Avian Habitat Use in a Chronosequence of Bottomland Hardwood Forest Restoration Sites, Paul T. Le, Lindley B. Ballen, Richard Essner, and Peter R. Minchin


Benefits and Logistics of Non-Presenting Undergraduate Students Attending a Professional Scientific Meeting, Chaya Gopalan, Patricia A. Halpin, and Kathryn M. S. Johnson


Bis(cobaltocenium) tetrachloridocobaltate(II) dichloromethane 1.2-solvate, Michael J. Shaw, Nan Xu, Ian E. Caveny, Erwin G. Abucayon, Anthony R. Ramuglia, and George B. Richter-Addo


Electrochemical investigation of the kinetics of chloride substitution upon reduction of [Ru(porphyrin)(NO)Cl] complexes in THF., Jeremy R. Zink, E G. Abucayon, Anthony R. Ramuglia, Arghavan Fadamin, James E. Eilers, George B. Richter-Addo, and Michael J. Shaw


Help! I've Been Asked to Mentor a Robotics Team, Mary L. Stephen and Sharon M. Locke


Identifying the Safety Impact of Signal Coordination Projects along Urban Arterials Using a Meta-analysis Method, Michael R. Williamson, Ryan N. Fries, Yan Qi, and Praveen Mandava


Iowa's Original Ethanol Debate: The Power Alcohol Movement of 1933-1934, Jeffrey T. Manuel


Markov chains and generalized wavelet multiresolutions, Myung-Sin Song and Palle Jorgensen


Modeling and Simulation of Particle-Particle Interaction in a Magnetophoretic Bio-Separation Chip, Manjurul Alam, Matin Golozar, and Jeff Darabi


Numerical simulation of dielectrophoretic particle separation using slanted electrodes, Bahar Kazemi and Jeff Darabi


Removal of Acid Yellow 25 from Aqueous Solution by Chitin Prepared from Waste Snow Crab Legs, Chin-Chuan Wei, Inoka K. Pathiraja, Emily Fabry, Kyle Schafer, Nick Schimp, Tuo-Ping Hu, and Lawrence P. Norcio


"Revisiting Progressive Era Lessons for Understanding Today", Andrew Theising


Smith and Hume on Animal Minds, Richard Fry


Some insights into the migration of double imaginary roots under small deviation of two parameters, Dina Alina Irofti, Keqin Gu, Islam Boussaada, and Silviu-Iulian Niculescu


Stability Analysis of Systems with Delay-Dependent Coefficients: an Overview, Chi Jin, Keqin Gu, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu, and Islam Boussaada


St. Louis Currents: The Fifth Edition, Andrew Theising and E. Terrence Jones Ph.D.


Strong stability of a class of difference equations of continuous time and structured singular value problem, Qian Ma, Keqin Gu, and Narges Choubedar


Strong stability of a class of difference equations of continuous time and structured singular value problem, Qian Ma, Keqin Gu, and Narges Choubedar

Submissions from 2017


A Turn to Realism and Humanism from Propaganda: Chinese Photojournalism Practices between 1976 and 1988, Shi Li


Chronic Orofacial Pain: Burning Mouth Syndrome and Other Neuropathic Disorders, Raymond C. Tait, McKenzie C. Ferguson, and Christopher M. Herndon


College Students and Online Political Expression During the 2016 Election, Kenneth W. Moffett and Laurie L. Rice


Computational and Performance Analysis of a Continuous Magnetophoretic Bioseparation Chip with Alternating Magnetic Fields, Matin Golozar, Majid Molki, and Jeff Darabi


Effect of Soft-Core Potentials on Inverse Bremsstrahlung Heating during Laser Matter Interactions, Edward Ackad Ph.D


How Student Written Communication Skills Benefit During Participation in an Industry-Sponsored Civil Engineering Capstone Course, Ryan N. Fries, Bradford Cross, Jianpeng Zhou, and Chad Verbais


Infinite-Dimensional Measure Spaces and Frame Analysis, Palle Jorgensen and Myung-Sin Song


Informal learning teams and the digital humanities: a case study of faculty/librarian collaboration, Lora Del Rio and Jessica DeSpain PhD


Instructional Design: Toolkits for Paraprofessional Staff and Graduate Assistants, Lora Del Rio


Kadison's Pythagorean Theorem and Essential Codimension, Jireh Loreaux and Victor Kaftal


Language Rights and International Domain Names, Undrah Baasanjav


Methadone for neuropathic pain in adults, Ewan D. McNicol, McKenzie C. Ferguson, and Roman Schumann


Searching for "Free Territory" in Saidiya Hartman's Lose Your Mother, Tisha Brooks


Student Self-Assessment and Faculty Assessment of Performance in an Interprofessional Error disclosure Simulation Training Program, Theresa Poirier, Junvie Pailden PhD, Ray Jhala PharmD, Katie Ronald PharmD, Miranda Wilhelm PharmD, and Jingyang Fan PharmD


Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Catalytic Activity of Indenyl Complexes of Ruthenium Bearing Fluorinated Phosphine Ligands, Matthew J. Stark, Michael J. Shaw, Arghavan Fadamin, Nigam P. Rath, and Eike B. Bauer


The Effect of Flipped Teaching Combined with Modified Team-Based Learning on Student Performance in Physiology, Chaya Gopalan and Megan C. Klann


The Media Convergence Blog Project, Undrah Baasanjav


“We Were Not Prepared to Tell People Yet”: Confidentiality Breaches and Boundary Turbulence on Facebook, Jocelyn M. DeGroot and Tennley A. Vik

Submissions from 2016


4,4’-Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and 4,4’-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE) promote adipogenesis in 3TL1 adipocyte cell culture, J Kim, Q Sun, Y Yue, Kyong-Sup Yoon, K -Y Whang, J M. Clark, and Y Park


“A Girl Move”: Negotiating Gender and Technology in Chess Online and Offline, Undrah Baasanjav


Analyzing Math-to-Mastery through Brief Experimental Analysis, Gregory E. Everett, Honora S. Swift, Elizabeth L.W. McKenney, and Jeremy D. Jewell


A Qualitative Metasynthesis of Consultation Process Research: What We Know and Where to Go, Daniel Newman, Elizabeth L.W. McKenney, Arlene E. Silva, Mary Clare, Diane Salmon, and Safiyah Jackson


Assessing the Effectiveness of a Bedtime Behavioral Intervention for Military Children with a Deployed Parent, Jessica Crawford, Jeremy Jewell, Stephen Hupp, Greg Everett, and Lacey Hall