Most Recent Additions*
Nurse Anesthesiology Education for Regulators
Jonathan Alvarado and Kevin Stein
Evaporating Metacognitive Talk: School Inclusion, Power, and the Interplay of Structure and Agency
Ezra Temko
Drag Artist Interviews, 2021
Ezra Temko, Heidi Masching, and Bette Hammann
How Poor Leadership and Favoritism Intersect to Create Toxic Work Environments
Simone Williams and Lora Del Rio
Ca2+ binding shifts dimeric dual oxidase's truncated EF-hand domain to monomer
Chin-Chuan Wei, Amena Razzak, and Hadis Ghasmi
Melting Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder/ Premenstrual Exacerbation Symptoms with Metalsmithing: A Group Process
Maureen Bella Russo
Sense of Self and Relational Connections Through the Use of Textile Arts
Lisa Thompson-Gibson
Communication Beyond Words
Anna Brough
Improvement in Patient Compliance for Gynecological Care
Tracee Williams
Establishing Routine Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation During Pregnancy in an Impoverished Guatemalan Community
Marissa Schuette and Erin Brueggemann
EMR Templates for Age-Appropriate Well-Child Pediatric Visits
Alison Drerup and Kelsey Piper
Implementing the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in the Emergency Department and Family Care Settings
Laura Hardiek and Thomas Dissette
Implementation of Prenatal and Postpartum Depression Screening for a Telehealth Company
Allison Herrmann and Lori Deibel
*Updated as of 03/23/25.