Most Recent Additions*


p450 APO in Membrane Trajectory 1
Edward Ackad Ph.D and Maria Kontoyianni


[Dataset] Comparison of Intermittent Fasting and Voluntary Wheel Running on Physical and Cognitive Abilities in High-Fat Diet-induced Obese Rats
Chaya Gopalan, Paige Niepoetter, Carolyn Butts-Wilmsmeyer, Sai Medavaka, Avery Ogle, Sheyenne Daughrity, Elizabeth Hackmann, Saruveish Mogan, and Oskar Lenz


TikTok and Civic Activity among Young Adults
Kenneth W. Moffett and Laurie Rice


A Micro-Typology of Contact Effects in Four Tibeto-Burman Languages
Kristine Hildebrandt, Oliver Bond, and Dubi Nanda Dhakal


Direction and Associated Motion in Tibeto-Burman
Carol Genetti, Kristine Hildebrandt, Alexia Fawcett, and Nathaniel Sims

*Updated as of 04/25/24.