Date of Award

Spring 4-26-2024

Document Type

DNP Project

Project Team Faculty Member

Dr. Bernadette Sobczak

Project Team Faculty Member

Dr. Valerie Griffin


Well-child visits, electronic medical records, EMR, templates, developmental milestones, immunizations, anticipatory guidance, pediatric vaccinations


The world of pediatric medicine is continually evolving. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) regularly update guidelines to have the most current information available to providers and their patients. The overwhelming majority of primary care offices have transitioned to electronic medical records (EMRs) for charting purposes. Templates included in EMRs ease the workflow and documentation process for providers. In the primary care setting, templates include essential information discussed at well-child visits, such as developmental milestones, vaccination schedules, and anticipatory guidance. The project’s purpose was to update the age-specific well-child templates at a private suburban Midwest primary care office to ensure patients and their families receive the best quality care. After the updated templates were implemented, a chart review was completed to compare the accuracy and completeness of provider documentation on the new templates compared to the previous templates. The updated templates were found to have more patient education and anticipatory guidance documented in each visit. A questionnaire was also given to the providers for feedback about usability and provider satisfaction. Overall, the providers were satisfied with the updated templates and information included, but agreed there were limitations to being unable to upload the new templates to the EMR. The templates overall provided the patients and families with the most recent age-specific information.

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