Pharmacy Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity | School of Pharmacy | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville


Submissions from 2021


The prevalence of psychiatric and chronic pain comorbidities in fibromyalgia: An acttion systematic review, Bethea A. Kleykamp, McKenzie C. Ferguson, Ewan McNicol, Ida Bixho, Lesley M. Arnold, Robert R. Edwards, Roger Fillingim, Hanna Grol-Prokopczyk, Dennis C. Turk, and Robert H. Dworkin

Submissions from 2019

Patient Experiences with Compounded Medications, Timothy McPherson

Submissions from 2017


Methadone for neuropathic pain in adults, Ewan D. McNicol, McKenzie C. Ferguson, and Roman Schumann


Student Self-Assessment and Faculty Assessment of Performance in an Interprofessional Error disclosure Simulation Training Program, Theresa Poirier, Junvie Pailden PhD, Ray Jhala PharmD, Katie Ronald PharmD, Miranda Wilhelm PharmD, and Jingyang Fan PharmD


Chronic Orofacial Pain: Burning Mouth Syndrome and Other Neuropathic Disorders, Raymond C. Tait, McKenzie C. Ferguson, and Christopher M. Herndon

Submissions from 2016


Retrospective Evaluation of Dosing Body Weight for Unfractionated Heparin in Obese Patients, Jingyang Fan, Billee John, and Emily Tesdal


Utilization and Costs of Compounded Medications for Commercially Insured Patients, 2012 – 2013, Timothy McPherson, Patrick Fontane PhD, Express Scripts Holding Company, and Express Scripts Holding Company


Investigation of the Selection and Timing of Pharmacological Therapy in Community-Acquired Bacterial Meningitis, Jared Sheley, David Willman, Julie Downen, and Scott Bergman

Submissions from 2015


Survey Evaluation of Pharmacy Practice Involving Deaf Patients, McKenzie C. Ferguson and Leah M. Shan


Patient Controlled Opioid Analgesia Versus Non-patient Controlled Opioid Analgesia for Postoperative Pain, Ewan D. McNicol, McKenzie C. Ferguson, and Jana Hudcova


Impact of an Antimicrobial Stewardship Intervention on Urinary Tract Infection Treatment in the Emergency Department, Kelly M. Percival, Kristine M. Valenti, Stacy E. Scmittling, Brandi D. Strader, Rebecka R. Lopez, and Scott Bergman


Monitoring of outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) and implementation of clinical pharmacy services at a community hospital infusion unit, Punit J. Shah, Scott Bergman, Donald Graham, and Stephanie Glenn

Submissions from 2013


A Gender Gap Grade Analysis of Hard Sciences Courses in a School of Pharmacy, McKenzie C. Ferguson, Cathy Santanello, Erika Hahn, and Ron Worthington


Impact of Sugar Substitutes on Glucose Control in Diabetic Patients, McKenzie C. Ferguson, Erin Marie Timpe Behnen, and Amy Carlson

Submissions from 2011


Current Therapies for Chronic Hepatitis C, McKenzie C. Ferguson


Interferons as Therapeutic Agents in Infectious Diseases, McKenzie C. Ferguson, Scott Bergman, and Cathy Santanello