Policies for Educational Leadership Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity
Who Can Submit
Educational Leadership Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity only publishes materials about work conducted under the auspices of Educational Leadership Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity. For additional information, please contact the repository manager.
SPARK is intended as a permanent display of the scholarly, intellectual, and creative output of SIUE. In certain cases (such as factual errors, fraud, plagiarism, etc.), a paper may be updated or removed from public view by sending a request to the repository manager.. However, a citation to the original version of the paper will always remain on the site.
Author Review
Authors do not have an opportunity to approve papers they have submitted prior to them becoming publicly available on the site; therefore, please be sure that the paper is ready for public distribution upon submission.
Rights and Permissions
Before submitting a paper to the repository, please be sure that all necessary permissions have been cleared. You retain the copyright to your paper and grant us the nonexclusive right to publish this material (SIU Open Access Policy), meaning that you may also publish it elsewhere.
For more information, see our SPARK Guide and Frequently Asked Questions about the SIU Open Access Policy