"Developing and Implementing Guidelines for Amniotic Fluid Embolism" by Clayton Shick

Date of Award

Spring 5-8-2020

Document Type

DNP Project

Project Team Faculty Member

Cynthia Schmidt

Project Team Faculty Member

Michelle Ertel


Amniotic Fluid Embolism, Obstetric Anesthesia, Emergency Checklist, Visual Cognitive Aid, AFE


Knowing that amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) is such a rare but harmful condition, a hospital in Metro-East St. Louis requested the creation of a checklist to ensure that all anesthesia providers quickly recognize and initiate appropriate management for AFE. The quality improvement project involved identifying the best evidence and collaborating with facility stakeholders to implement the use of an updated, evidence-based checklist to guide providers in the management of AFE. Via an open discussion PowerPoint presentation, CRNAs and anesthesiologists at the facility were provided education about AFE and the importance of using a checklist to facilitate management of AFE. The checklist that was implemented at the facility was published by Stanford Anesthesia Cognitive Aid Group. A post education presentation survey was developed collaboratively with facility stakeholders. The survey results were overwhelmingly positive with all respondents reporting that following this project intervention, they were more likely to recognize AFE and use the AFE checklist to manage AFE. Ultimately this project has the potential to save a life at the facility. Collaboration with the external and internal stakeholders occurred continually throughout the development of the project to ensure that the goals of the project were met, ending with successful adaptation of the checklist.

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