"Patient Assessment and Provider Education Regarding Antibiotic Use in " by Ashlee Schoby and Candra D. Hulskotter

Date of Award

Spring 5-9-2020

Document Type

DNP Project

Project Team Faculty Member

Mary Zerlan

Project Team Faculty Member

Kay Gaehle


urgent care, antibiotic stewardship, upper respiratory infection symptoms


Improving Antibiotic Stewardship Through the Use of Patient Assessment and Provider Education Regarding Treatment of Viral URIs in the Urgent Care Setting

Candra Kronewitter and Ashlee Schoby

Date of Award

Spring 5-2020

Document Type

DNP Project

Project Team Faculty Member

Mary Zerlan, CRNA, DNP, APN

Project Team Faculty Member

Kay Gaehle, PhD


Antibiotics, Antibiotic stewardship, URIs, Upper respiratory infections, Urgent care, ABUSE screening tool


Antibiotic-resistant bacteria is a growing problem in the United States. The misuse or overuse of antibiotics is being considered the leading cause. Nearly 2-million individuals are infected with resistant bacteria yearly, and antibiotics prescribed for URIs accounted for three-quarters of all antibiotic prescriptions.

Collaboration with a local Urgent Care system was created, to implement a program designed to help decrease the amount of unnecessary antibiotics prescribed for viral illnesses. Implementation included a needs assessment tool, used for evaluation of patient care, development of an educational pamphlet for patients, and providing continued education to providers, to promote antibiotic stewardship. The ABUSE (Antibiotic-Use Screening Evaluations) tool was used in the assessments.

During evaluation, 26 patient surveys were completed and 88% did not report asking for an antibiotic during the visit. Compliance with recommended treatment was 81%. Provider evaluation indicated, 54% of antibiotics were prescribed based on patients’ expectations and attitudes, and 31% - 35% would forget or neglect proper antibiotic education.

Half of the surveys, completed by providers, specified verbal education, the educational pamphlet, and the patient knowledge pre-assessment aided in a positive outcome of the visit, and positively impacted their further practice for patient care.

Recommended Citation

Kronewitter, Candra., Schoby, Ashlee. “Improving Antibiotic Stewardship Through the Use of Patient Assessment and Provider Education Regarding Treatment of Viral URIs in the Urgent Care Setting” (2020). Doctor of Nursing Practice Projects.


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Literature review final.docx (23 kB)
Literature Review

Conceptual Framework final.docx (14 kB)
Conceptual Framework

Project Methods_ashbell.docx (18 kB)

evaluation_ashbell.docx (27 kB)

Appendices Final.docx (3935 kB)

Final Reference List.docx (17 kB)
Reference List

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