"Strong Recommendation Towards HPV Vaccination" by Danielle Bogue

Date of Award

Fall 12-14-2018

Document Type

DNP Project

Project Team Faculty Member

Bernadette Sobczak, DNP, APN, CPNP-PC, PMHS

Project Team Faculty Member

Terri Furfaro, DNP, APN, FNP-BC


HPV, Gardasil, STD, Adolescent, Cervical cancer, genital warts


Risk of future HPV related cancers remains high in individuals unvaccinated against HPV, leading to too many people dying from this preventable cancer. However, primary care providers’ strong recommendation to vaccinate and family education about HPV and vaccine efficacy have a positive impact on a family’s decision to vaccinate. The setting for this project was a Midwest suburban family healthcare practice. This process was implemented by providing the guardian with a handout, a short video on HPV, a question and answer period with the provider, and ended with the provider giving a strong recommendation towards HPV vaccination. Of the 35 participants, 33 accepted the vaccine (94%) and 2 refused (6%). Strong provider recommendation with eye contact, audible voice, and clear direct words was suggested to be the most valued asset by parents. Providers, office staff, and guardians found the education meaningful and adapted the teachings to everyday office visits. Providers and health care personnel can help prevent the incidence of HPV with education and strong provider recommendation.

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Background and Introduction Final DBogue.docx (20 kB)

Problem Statement Final DBogue.docx (16 kB)
Problem Statement_dbogue

Clinical Relevance Final DBogue.docx (20 kB)
Clinical Relevance_dbogue

Literature Review Final DBogue.docx (38 kB)
Literature Review_dbogue

Theoretical Framework Final DBogue.docx (12 kB)
Conceptual Framework_dbogue

Methods Final DBogue.docx (19 kB)
Project Methods_dbogue

Executive Summary_dbogue.docx (26 kB)
Executive Summary_dbogue

Reference List dbogue.docx (20 kB)
Reference List_dbogue



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