Date of Award
Spring 5-10-2019
Document Type
DNP Project
Project Team Faculty Member
Andrew Griffin, PhD, CRNA, APRN
Project Team Faculty Member
Jerrica V. Ampadu, PhD
Allergen Immunotherapy (AIT) is an effective treatment for allergic rhinitis. However, at a Midwest teaching clinic, patients tend to not complete the entire course of immunotherapy. AIT adherence is suboptimal due to a multitude of reasons. The purpose of this project is to increase adherence to AIT by implementing the following evidence based interventions; a text message reminder, a communication/education template, and through increasing clinic accessibility. Initial implementation involved working with clinic personnel to develop the content of the reminder texts and of additional educational materials. Subsequently, the changes were executed at the beginning of fall. Over the following three months, the project goals were evaluated through a convenience sample of patients from age 5 to adults who are currently receiving subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) in the outpatient setting. Patients were given a Likert-scale survey after project completion to measure satisfaction with the text message reminder. At the beginning of the project, there were 172 SCIT patients and 67 were non-adherent (39%). During the project, 2 patients moved, 2 patients had insurance changes and could no longer come to the clinic, and 12 patients dropped out completely. Fourteen of the remaining 51 non-adherent patients completed the protocol. Overall, AIT adherence increased 12% in the clinic. Patients indicated satisfaction with text message reminders. However, they would prefer them sent 1-2 days prior to their scheduled injection appointment. AIT adherence improved for SCIT patients. Text message reminders, communication/education template, and increased clinic accessibility can improve AIT adherence in a clinically relevant way.
Recommended Citation
Branham, Amy, "Improving Allergy Immunotherapy Adherence" (2019). Doctor of Nursing Practice Projects. 59.
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ProblemStatement_abranha.docx (28 kB)
Problem Statement
ClinicalRelevance_abranha.docx (29 kB)
Clinical Relevance
Literature Review_abranha.docx (39 kB)
Literature Review
ConceptualFramework_abranha.docx (30 kB)
Conceptual Framework
ProjectMethods_abranha.docx (30 kB)
Project Methods
EvaluationProcess_Instruments_abranha.docx (29 kB)
Evaluation Process
References_abranha.docx (16 kB)
Final Reference List