"Improving Emergence and Awaken Time in the Obese Population: Developm" by Nikki Watson

Date of Award

Spring 5-10-2019

Document Type

DNP Project

Project Team Faculty Member

Mary Zerlan

Project Team Faculty Member

Chaya Gopalan


Desflurane and emergence, Desflurane and obesity, faster emergence from anesthesia


Studies have shown that obese patients are at an increased risk for apnea and aspiration during the postoperative period due to comorbidities associated with obesity (Nason, 2015). Complications such as apnea and aspiration can increase the length of stay in the post-operative care unit (PACU). Slower emergence further increases the risk for apnea and aspiration because of delayed return of protective reflexes (Brousseau, Dobson, & Milne, 2014). Evidence-based research has shown Desflurane to have the fastest wake-up times in obese patients when compared to Sevoflurane, Isoflurane, and Propofol (Juvin, Vadam, Malek, Dupont, Marmuse, & Desmonts, 2000). The goal of this project was to create a Desflurane protocol to be used in the obese population and educate the staff at a rural hospital in Central Illinois. The results of the project showed an increase in support from the anesthesia staff to use the Desflurane protocol in the obese population.

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Background_nikwats.docx (83 kB)

Problem Statement_nikwats.docx (42 kB)
Problem Statement

Clinical Relevance_nikwats.docx (83 kB)
Clinical Relevance

Literature Review_nikwats.docx (117 kB)
Literature Review

Theoretical Framework_nikwats.docx (58 kB)
Theoretical Framework

Methodology_nikwats.docx (69 kB)

Evaluation Process_nikwats.docx (54 kB)
Evaluation Process

Final Reference List_nikwats.docx (106 kB)
Final Reference List

Included in

Nursing Commons



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