"Application of Ultrasound for Difficult Vascular Access in Obstetric P" by Carly McCleland

Date of Award

Spring 5-2024

Document Type

DNP Project

Project Team Faculty Member

Leah Baecht

Project Team Faculty Member

Lauren Douglas

Project Team Faculty Member

Maranda Hilmes


Peripheral intravenous access, Obstetrics, Ultrasound, Education, Training


This project aimed to create a three-tiered educational program to introduce the benefits of ultrasound application for peripheral IV placement in obstetrical patients. The main goals of this project were to increase successful first-attempt IV placement in obstetric patients who may be difficult to obtain IV access on. The first tier of education consisted of presenting findings from the literature review as an educational PowerPoint to all project stakeholders. The second tier of education included stakeholders practicing using the ultrasound for PIV placement on mannequin arms. The third tier, which is still on going, included implementation of the first two tiers by practicing PIV placement on patients while being supervised by an approved colleague.A five-point Likert scale was utilized to assess the use of ultrasound for PIV placement after the educational presentation. After the educational in-service, 54.5% of participants felt confident, and 27.2% felt extremely confident in incorporating ultrasound use for PIVs in normal everyday use. 54.5% felt confident and 36.4% felt extremely confident they could correctly perform the steps of PIV placement via ultrasound. Implementing an educational training program for ultrasound use during PIV placement will give participants more confidence in their ability to incorporate ultrasound use into everyday practice for PIV placement. The successful completion of the educational in-service will lead participants to increase first-attempt success for PIV placement. These newly acquired abilities would lead to cost reduction in supply usage, greater patient satisfaction due to decreased needle sticks and timeliness of care by providers.

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