"Educating Anesthesia Providers on the Physiological Effects and Anesth" by Carmel Loud

Date of Award

Spring 5-2024

Document Type

DNP Project

Project Team Faculty Member

Leah Baecht

Project Team Faculty Member

Justin Baecht


Cannabis, Cannabinoids, Marijuana, Anesthesia, Anesthetist, Physiology


In the U.S., currently 37 states have legalized cannabis for medicinal use prescribed by qualified medical professionals (National Conference of State Legislatures [NCSL], 2022). In 2012, the legalization of recreational cannabis began; as of 2022, 19 states have legalized the recreational use of marijuana (NCSL, 2022). This project aimed to optimize care for patients using cannabis by increasing anesthesia provider knowledge about cannabis. The project's aim was accomplished through a thorough review of the current medical literature and implementation of education to anesthesia providers about the physiological effects and anesthesia implications of cannabis. Thirteen CRNAs took a pre- and post-quiz to test their knowledge about cannabis before and after an educational PowerPoint presentation was provided. Results demonstrated most providers have a knowledge deficit about cannabis. Comparative analysis of the pre and post-quiz results revealed significant improvement, indicating education to anesthesia providers can improve their knowledge about the physiological effects and anesthesia implications of cannabis. Using these results, one can hypothesize that with improved knowledge, providers can offer a safer anesthetic to patients presenting for surgery using cannabis.

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