Date of Award

Fall 9-30-2023

Document Type

DNP Project

Project Team Faculty Member

Sheri Compton-McBride


postpartum hemorrhage, postpartum simulation, postpartum hemorrhage simulation, postpartum hemorrhage education, nursing, and mock simulation


Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is the leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality worldwide. Evidence supports the importance and impact simulation has had on preparation for postpartum hemorrhage. Preparation with hands-on education is imperative for a safe outcome during a real-life hemorrhage situation. Lack of frequent education and simulation can equate to negative outcomes for all involved. The purpose of this project was to increase exposure to a safe environment to explore knowledge and skills during a postpartum hemorrhage event. This quality improvement project surveyed postpartum nurses pre and post-mock postpartum hemorrhage simulation. The setting allowed for mistakes, discussion, and open communication among staff. Before the simulation, participants self-reported not feeling prepared for a PPH should it occur in their nursing unit. Post-simulation revealed enhanced readiness for PPH, increased awareness of agency policy and protocols for PPH, and a desire for more hands-on, practice experience to ensure positive outcomes for both patients and staff.

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