"STI education for adolescents" by Maryann Van Ryn and Lucy Nyrongo

Date of Award

Spring 5-5-2023

Document Type

DNP Project

Project Team Faculty Member

Dr. Annie Imboden

Project Team Faculty Member

Dr. Valerie Griffin

Project Team Faculty Member

Dr. Greg Jennings


sexually transmitted disease (STD), sexually transmitted infection (STI), STIs in adolescents, STDs in adolescents, STI prevention, STD prevention


Adolescents make up the majority of STI cases in the United States; however, most STI education has not targeted them and their unique needs. This quality improvement project aimed to create an evidence-based educational tool for sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) for adolescents in a pediatric clinic. Next, we created a dynamic QR code to access the flyer digitally on a patient's mobile device. The QR code was printed and placed in an accessible location in the office. The dynamic QR code allowed us to capture data on the total number of scans and provided the demographics of the scanners and the device they used. After the project's implementation phase, we generated a report on the total number of scans. The report showed a total number of only three scans, which was insufficient to analyze data on utilization. Staffing changes, which included two nurse practitioners leaving and another reducing her status to working one day a week, affected the number of scans collected. Also, there was a mix-up about whether to give out the flier in printed form versus the QR code as the project intended. As a result, no printed-out flyers and QR codes were readily available in rooms to give to patients; these were some reasons that affected the number of scans.

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Lit Review Final Draft (2).docx (40 kB)
DNP Litrature review

Approved DNP Project Methodology.docx (41 kB)
DNP Methodology

Approved ConceptualFramework. final daft (1).docx (29 kB)
DNP Conceptual Framework

DNP Project Evalution (1).docx (38 kB)
DNP Evaluation

DNP project references.docx (31 kB)
DNP Project References



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