"Utilizing the Anatomage Virtual Dissection Table for Learning Neuroana" by Domenica Camaci-Douleh and Nicole Gorris

Date of Award

Spring 5-5-2023

Document Type

DNP Project

Project Team Faculty Member

Dr. Mary Zerlan

Project Team Faculty Member

Dr. Chaya Gopalan

Project Team Faculty Member

Dr. Jenna Tebbankamp


virtual dissection, neuraxial anesthesia, anatomage table


Certified registered nurse anesthetists are responsible for developing expertise in neuraxial anesthesia. A thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology is essential in the performance of subarachnoid and epidural blocks. Although cadaveric dissection is considered the gold standard for learning anatomy, student use of cadavers can become limited due to supervisory, ethical, accessibility, and financial constraints (Periya and Moro, 2019). In recent years, the evolution of technology has produced a virtual option for cadaver dissection (Washmuth et al., 2020). The anatomage virtual dissection table is a tool that could be used to increase knowledge of neuroanatomical structures and their spatial relationships in place of cadaveric dissection. Learning modules were developed utilizing the anatomage table to learn and review anatomy pertinent to neuraxial anesthesia. Second-year anesthesia students at the host Nurse Anesthesia Program in their Fall 2022 semester participated in implementing these modules. Pre- and post- surveys analyzed with a Paired Two Sample t-test demonstrated significant improvement in the student’s knowledge and confidence when administering neuraxial anesthesia after completing the provided modules. The improvement in knowledge in neuroanatomy leads to greater success and patient satisfaction when performing epidural or spinal anesthesia.

Keywords: virtual dissection, neuraxial anesthesia, anatomage table

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Literature_Review.docx (42 kB)
Literature Review

Methodology.docx (19 kB)

Results and Discussion.docx (20 kB)
Evaluation/Results and Discussion

Conceptual Framework.docx (14 kB)
Conceptual Framework

References.docx (32 kB)



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