"Postoperative Pruritis from Neuraxial Anesthesia" by Paige Buckner and Kaleigh Kuhlman

Date of Award


Document Type

DNP Project

Project Team Faculty Member

Mary Zerlan


Opioid, Dexmedetomidine, Nalbuphine, Neuraxial anesthesia, Pruritus, Hypotension



Post-operative pruritus from the use of neuraxial opioids is a commonly overlooked issue among patients receiving neuraxial anesthesia for operations. A literature review was conducted comparing the use of dexmedetomidine in neuraxial anesthesia versus narcotics and the use of nalbuphine as a treatment for postoperative pruritus when narcotics are used in neuraxial anesthesia. After a review of the literature, a PowerPoint presentation was given to a group of anesthesia providers at a central Illinois hospital that discussed the evidence-based information. A pre- and post-survey were conducted to assess the change in knowledge, the willingness of providers to adapt to new changes in practice, and the willingness of providers to recommend these practice changes to colleagues. The results of the pre-and post-surveys showed willingness among the providers to implement the use of either dexmedetomidine instead of opioids in neuraxial anesthesia or the use of nalbuphine to treat post-operative pruritus in patients who received neuraxial opioids. A significant limitation of this study was the lack of rigorous research. Due to the lack of research, it is the hope that this topic will be further researched in the future to create a more widespread usage among anesthesia providers.





Neuraxial anesthesia



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Literature Review_pbuckne_kakuhlm.docx (21 kB)
Literature Review

Conceptual Framework_pbuckne_kakuhlm.docx (13 kB)
Conceptual Framework

Project Methods_pbuckne_kakuhlm.docx (19 kB)
Project Methods

Final Reference List_pbuckne_kakuhlm.docx (16 kB)
Final Reference List

Results and Discussion_pbuckne_kakuhlm.docx (47 kB)
Results and Discussion



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