"Recognizing Barriers in the Elderly Population and Increasing Access t" by Loveleena Alex

Date of Award

Spring 5-2023

Document Type

DNP Project

Project Team Faculty Member

Laurie Hopper

Project Team Faculty Member

April Schmidt


Case management, elderly population, hospital admissions, primary care, demographics, chronic medical conditions, community resources, access to care, health literacy



Implementing case management can lead to fewer hospitalizations in the elderly population. Barriers influencing the number of hospitalizations include low socioeconomic status, transportation needs, health literacy, financial strain, multiple comorbidities, underserved populations, medication availability, availability of community resources, and access to primary care. A review of the available literature revealed that by addressing these barriers in a primary care setting and implementing case management, the number of hospitalizations can be decreased and the quality of life in the elderly population can be improved. This quality improvement project implemented a screening and referral process for chronic care management in the primary care setting. Patients aged 65 and above completed a questionnaire regarding their demographics and chronic medical conditions. Based on their answers, the participants’ providers placed a case management order if appropriate given their social needs and/or their chronic conditions. Ten patients out of 280 were referred to case management. This is because most of the patients understood their conditions and did not require case management. This quality improvement project could be implemented in the future in other primary care clinics to increase the need for case management referrals. By implementing case management, we can address our patients needs and decrease the need for unwanted hospitalizations.

Keywords: Case management, elderly population, hospital admissions, primary care, demographics, chronic medical conditions, community resources, access to care, health literacy

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LiteratureReview_lalex.docx (50 kB)
Literature Review

Conceptual framework_lalex.docx (14 kB)
Conceptual Framework

Methods_lalex.docx (28 kB)
Project Methods

Evaluation_lalex.docx (75 kB)

Final Reference_lalex.docx (20 kB)
Reference list

Included in

Nursing Commons



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