"Improving Staff Education on Lung Cancer Screening at the Illinois Cor" by Natalie Bethel and Jillian Youngquist

Date of Award

Spring 5-6-2022

Document Type

DNP Project

Project Team Faculty Member

Dr. Melissa Bogle

Project Team Faculty Member

Dr. Valerie Griffin


Lung cancer, tobacco smoking, prisoners, incarcerated adult, lung cancer screening guidelines


Justice-involved individuals are at an increased risk of developing chronic health conditions, including lung cancer. Literature supports the practice of using an annual low-dose CT scan to screen for lung cancer. Illinois Correctional Facilities lacked a lung cancer screening protocol for justice-involved individuals. Lung cancer screening guidelines were approved for the facilities, however, the time frame for implementation was unclear. This DNP project focused on evidenced based guidelines for lung cancer screening with education tools for staff members to prepare them for implementation. Staff was presented with a pre-test, PowerPoint presentation, and a post-test to evaluate lung cancer screening knowledge. Our educational goal for improvement was set at a 25% increase from pre-test to post-test. There was a 27% increase in correct response rate for lung cancer screening awareness questions after watching the presentation, implying this was a successful strategy for improvement of knowledge. On the post-test all staff members agreed at a 100% to feeling confident in applying the U. S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) guidelines for lung cancer screening for justice-involved individuals. For future projects with correctional facilities, it would be beneficial to coordinate efforts with the director who supervises targeted staff members. In addition, having a hands-on approach by presenting the PowerPoint and pre/post-tests in person would potentially increase participation in the project.

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