"The Effectiveness of Using the Anatomage Table as a Learning Adjunct t" by Paige Dickey, Melissa Gerlach et al.

Date of Award

Spring 5-6-2022

Document Type

DNP Project

Project Team Faculty Member

Dr. Mary Zerlan

Project Team Faculty Member

Dr. Chaya Gopalan

Project Team Faculty Member

Dr. Adam Schneider


regional anesthesia, peripheral nerve block, ultrasound guidance, Anatomage Table, active learning, student registered nurse anesthetist



In anesthesia programs across the country, learning advanced level human anatomy and physiology concepts provides a large foundation for which skills used in clinical application are learned. Student registered nurse anesthetists (SRNAs) are clinically trained to perform a variety of invasive procedures in practice including peripheral nerve blocks (PNBs). This project aimed to implement a supplemental, hands-on learning activity to improve overall PNB education, ultimately improving patient care and safety. A series of guided lessons were created to help the students walk through the anatomy of PNBs utilizing the Anatomage table (AT). SRNAs attended a workshop where they went through these lessons and then applied their knowledge to ultrasound images. An anonymous survey was given to students prior to and after the workshop to assess their confidence with the blocks. The pre-survey revealed that only 24.1% of students were confident in completing a PNB with guidance. Student confidence rose to 82.8% after attending the AT workshop. Incorporating the AT in an ultrasound guided PNB lab improved knowledge of the anatomy associated with each block. Having resources, such as these, available to SRNAs will lead to the production of strong nurse anesthesiologists, proficient in regional anesthesia.

Download Full Text Above

Review of Literature_Dickey_Gerlach.docx (42 kB)
Review of Literature

Conceptual Framework_Dickey_Gerlach.docx (13 kB)
Conceptual Framework

Project Methodology_Dickey_Gerlach.docx (208 kB)
Project Methodology

Evaluations and Outcomes_Dickey_Gerlach.docx (23 kB)
Evaluations and Outcomes

DNP Final Reference List_Dickey_Gerlach.docx (18 kB)
Complete Reference List



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