Date of Award

Spring 5-2018

Document Type

DNP Project

Project Team Faculty Member

Dr. Rebecca Collier

Project Team Faculty Member

Dr. Mary Zerlan

Project Team Faculty Member

Dr. Jeffrey Adkins


ERAS, enhanced recovery after surgery, fast track recovery, colorectal surgery, quality improvement, perioperative protocol


The purpose of this practice project was to develop and introduce an enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocol for colorectal surgical patients at a tertiary care center in southern Illinois. Project aims included reviewing available literature and study outcomes to develop an evidenced-based ERAS protocol for colorectal surgery and educating anesthesia providers about ERAS to introduce the evidenced-based ERAS protocol for colorectal surgery. An educational presentation and learning assessment tool were developed and subsequently presented to the anesthesia providers at the host facility. The first step toward implementing the protocol is education, as such, the results of the assessment questions suggested the educational posttest positively impacted the participants’ knowledge of ERAS. The staff also indicated on a five-point Likert scale strong support for adopting the introduced protocol. This project can be promoted by replicating it to include interdepartmental education, which would increase awareness of and encourage collaboration for successful implementation of the proposed ERAS protocol. In addition, the ERAS protocol developed is applicable to other similar tertiary care centers, demonstrating generalizability. Ultimately, implementing an ERAS protocol at the facility is aimed at improving patient care in those undergoing colorectal surgery.

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Nursing Commons



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