"CVD Screening Protocol for History of Hypertension in Pregnancy" by Wendy E. Rodgers, Marissa P. Mahan et al.

Date of Award

Spring 5-8-2020

Document Type

DNP Project

Project Team Faculty Member

Valerie Griffin

Project Team Faculty Member

Mary Barron


Cardiovascular Health, Hypertension in Pregnancy, Cardiovascular Screening, Midwest, Women's Health


The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the American Heart Association (AHA) recommend women with a history of hypertension during pregnancy receive annual blood pressure monitoring, weight check, and lipid screening; remain in the optimal body mass index (BMI) range; and obtain education on future risks for cardiovascular disease (CVD). At a small, Midwestern primary care clinic, there is not a current process in place to ensure patient education and screenings are provided for patients who meet this criterion. For this project, two check boxes were added to the providers’ annual exam template in the electronic health record (EHR) to indicate history of hypertension in pregnancy and indication that education was provided. Providers were introduced to the practice change by PowerPoint presentation. To evaluate the project, data was collected and provided by the clinic’s Quality and Data Analyst RN, including provider participation, percent of total women screened, and compliance with practice change. Only 20% of providers utilized the documentation changes; therefore, all other data analysis was insignificant. We recommend an on-site project team or individual who can encourage compliance, monthly auditing, and feedback to each provider regarding their individual performance.

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Literature review_werodge.docx (56 kB)
Literature Review

Conceptual Review_werodge.docx (15 kB)
Conceptual Framework

Project Methods_werodge.docx (17 kB)
Project Methods

Evaluation Process-Instruments_werodge.docx (12 kB)
Evaluation Process

Final Reference List_werodge.docx (18 kB)
Reference List

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