Date of Award

Spring 5-2-2024

First Advisor

Megan Robb

Second Advisor

Jayashree George

Third Advisor

Shelly Goebl-Parker


For centuries, clay has been used by civilizations to hold food, memories, and records of history. To this day, it is used by engineers, hobbyists, artists, art therapists and many more. This art based, heuristic study explores clay through the researcher’s ongoing practice with the material, within the framework of the Expressive Therapies Continuum (ETC) and examines how its unique media properties make it such a versatile material for both ceramic artists and art therapists. Results exhibit these unique media properties and clay’s ability to reach all levels of the ETC through collected data of images, journals, critiques, and notes. These results conclude and explore the extent of clay’s unique abilities and open future avenues of research on the material.
